Week two found us hunkering down at Grandma and Grandpa's house. John continued to drive to Osceola everyday to teach and coach. I spent amazing time with my mom, Gerry and Grady. Mom and I had fun taking miscellaneous pictures of Grady laying on their bed. There's nothing like a baby to bring out the photographer in all of us!

This was Grady's Chieftain basketball fan outfit on Thursday, March 4 when the boys played New Richmond in the second round of the playoffs. Unfortunately, the boys lost, but Grady sure looked adorable.

After a sponge bath on Grandma's kitchen island. Grady was already starting to turn his head to see who was talking to him. He particularly likes when we make the "motorboat" sound.

I took Grady out for a few walks while we were at G and G's house. He seems to like his snugli and the sunshine.
Of course, our faithful companion Chief spent some quality time at Grandma's house, too. At night when Grady would cry, Chief would walk the floor with me, licking my leg as I sang to Grady. He is handling the new baby remarkably well.
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