On Sunday, March 14, Grady and family went to church, and then we had a special vi

sit from cousins Matt and Beth.

Beth and Grandma held and fed Grady while Laurie and Matt pulled a few weeds in Grandma and Grandpa's new garden. It was awesome to spend time together.

Uncle Jeff and Aunt Sue also came to visit on Saturday. They are new Grandparents to adorable Samantha Leigh, born on January 11, 2010. It's fun to share infant stories, and we can't wait for the babies to meet.

Taryl and Grady. We can't wait to be part of the Mom's and Babies' play group with our RF friends. Thanks for inviting us, Taryl.

Jean and Grady. Thanks for using your first day of Spring Break to come see us! It felt so great for mommy to have some girlfriend chatter, and Grady loved being held.

Mommy and Grady w
aiting for friends from River Falls to arrive. We were so excited that they were willing to make the trip to Zimmerman to meet Grady and hang out with Laurie. God has truly blessed us with amazing friends!
Bath time before lots of visitors on March 13. Thanks to Taryl for the adorable bathrobe. Grady loves to feel all snuggly in it.
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