Our first week home - exciting! Grady had his one month checkup on March 23. We can't believe he's already one month old! He weighed 10 lbs, 14.6 ounces on Tuesday. He's definitely thriving. He had a return visit to the clinic on Friday due to his baby acne (yes, I'm a first time mother, and I just wanted to be sure he was o.k. ) At this visit, he weighed 11 lbs, 4 ounces. Seriously!
During this week, Grady began to really smile socially at us. When he smiles, his entire face crinkles up. I, of course, started crying as soon as he repeat smiled at me. It may have been partial exhaustion on my part, but it sure sent my heart soaring.
Jane, our Lutheran Social Services social worker, came to visit us on Thursday, March 25. We were thrilled to introduce her to our new son. She will visit us two more times before the adoption is final in six months.

Great-Uncle Joe and Great-Aunt Meem, John's godparents, visited on Friday, March 6. What a special visit for all of us. Aunt Meem is a retired elementary school teacher, and she has so much wisdom to share. While we were all talking about Grady's potential as a future hall-of-fame football player, Notre Dame basketball player, concert pianist ..., Aunt Meem said it doesn't matter what he is as long as he's himself. Yes, indeed! May we continue to have that type of wisdom as Grady grows.

Grandma Arlene also came to visit this week, and she brought Grady a chicken who sings a song to the tune of the chicken dance, flaps his wings, and moves his beak. Grady is mesmerized and a bit afraid of the loud chicken!

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