Monday, July 11, 2011


All it took was a little encouragement from Grandma, and Grady was walking like an all-star! He spent this afternoon walking from the house doorway to the porch doors and back to Grandma. It's all extremely exciting. Again, I mostly have it on video, and again, you'll have to trust me that he was adorable.

Spring Day

A beautiful day for lying in the grass and picking dandelions.

Kissing Daddy.

Admiring the flower then feeding it to Daddy.

Standing Alone

I was making supper in the kitchen when I looked toward Grady's room, and HE WAS STANDING in the middle of the dining area! He'd fall to his knees, say "Awww...," and stand back up. This went on for a solid 15 minutes. I ended up taking video of it instead of another picture, but it is long and would take forever to post on the blog. You'll have to believe me that he was adorable.


Grady's friends Katherine (kneeling) and Kylie (in the stroller).
Can you believe he put his arm around Kylie for the picture? I did not pose them.


Ahh yes, taking items off the pantry shelves and opening them up is so much fun...

Easter Egg Hunt at Grandma Kay's

Once he understood the game, Grady enjoyed finding his yellow Easter eggs. I was thankful that his cousins hid them in easy spots.

All of the cousins on Grandma's front porch.


We have special basketballs on a bookcase downstairs; Grady has taken a liking to one of them, and he rolls it, throws it and kisses it. Is it indoctrination if he "happens" to play with it?

By the way, this ball is for John's 200th win at Osceola - Grady was at the game. Wow!